Read below to learn about our frequent footy program and our discounts for being in multiple leagues, for students, for veterans and active military, and folks that could just use a bit of help.

Rollover Discount

The Rollover Discount (usually 20%) is designed to keep teams and players together, season in and season out. We do this to help create micro footy communities at particular locations. This discount is timed and lasts for only the first 4 days of a registration period (some location exclusions apply).

The Free Agent Team Rollover is our most generous discount, offering 25% off regular price to help motivate teams that met on the field to stick it out for future seasons.

Early Bird Discount

The early bird discount is a program that allows teams quick on their feet to get into a league at a discount (usually 10% off regular price). Some location exclusions do apply.

Female First Referral Program

We are pushing for change in an industry that lives on the male/female binary and has historically marginalized female players. One of our biggest priorities is to increase the number of female members to help us achieve our goal of more on-field representation of female players.

The brass tacks: if you refer a new female player to NYC Footy, they will receive a 50% discount to register as an individual player and you will receive $25 in credits to your account. There is no cap to the number of credits you can accumulate for as long as this referral program is active.

Just email info [at] and cc the player you are introducing to the community. We’ll take it from there.

Note: This is currently restricted to new female players that join as individual players (e.g. this excludes female players that are rostered on teams reserved by a team captain).

If you play in more than two divisions per season, you may qualify for discounts based on the following schedule:

  • 2 additional divisions (3 total) = 10% off the 3rd division.

  • 3 or more additional divisions (4+ total) = 10% off the 3rd and 15% off any additional league beyond that.

Please note, you can play in multiple divisions per season, but you’ll earn credits as a team captain separately from any team player/individual sign ups (you can have two separate codes, essentially).

Just email us and we’ll hook you up with the code.

Note, this cannot be combined with your Frequent Footy Code..

Multiple Division Discounts

Frequent Footy program is based on divisions, not seasons or years. It is also based on your role (i.e. captain or team player/individual free agent).

So, you’ll earn credits as a team captain separately from any team player/individual sign ups (you can have two separate codes, essentially).

Prior to 2022, if you've participated in:

  • 10 separate divisions you will earn a 10% off lifetime discount code. This is our Bronze Code.

  • 20 separate divisions, you will earn a 15% off lifetime discount code. This is our Silver Code.

  • 30 separate divisions, you will earn a 20% off lifetime discount code. Our biggest code. This is our Gold Code.

  • 40 separate divisions, and you earn the biggest code of all. 25% off Zlatan Code.

Starting in 2022, if you've participated in:

  • 10 separate divisions you will earn a 5% off lifetime discount code. This is our Bronze Code.

  • 20 separate divisions, you will earn a 10% off lifetime discount code. This is our Silver Code.

  • 30 separate divisions, you will earn a 15% off lifetime discount code. This is our Gold Code.

  • 50 separate divisions, and you earn the biggest code of all. 20% off Zlatan Code.

*Note, tournaments do not count as divisions or qualify for the lifetime discount.

**If by Spring 2022 you were over 50% of the way for the above, we will honor the pre-2022 numbers.

It's a unique, personal code, only for you. You may use it to register a team (must meet division quota as a captain only) or as a free agent (division quota as captain, player or individual in aggregate).

Here's how to get it. You have to do the work.

  • Login to your account

  • Count your divisions.

  • If it's over 10, send us an email. If you have multiple accounts, we can merge them. Let us know.

What not to do:

  • Please don't email us and ask if you qualify, since this information is readily available in your dashboard.

  • Don't game it. Don't share it. You will lose your status if you do.

  • Stop playing. You’ll lose status if you do not participate in NYC Footy programs for over a year (unless it’s due to injury).


We are aware that it is relatively easy to game this rewards program. And we also know you may game it without thinking that’s what is happening. So, we want to lay out scenarios below that are not allowed.

  • Free agent: there are currently no restrictions to how you can us the code.

  • Team:

    • If you register as a team captain for a team which has previously been registered under a different captain, for the purposes of the team getting your discount, you may not use the code. We equate this to “sharing” your code.

      • However, if, as captain, you create a newly assembled team of players (not just a name change), then you may use your code to assemble this team as their team captain.

    • If you are on a team that pays in full under a team captain that is not you, and thus divides the fees evenly among players, NYC Footy will not provide a custom discount to reflect your loyalty code discount or refund an amount equivalent to your discount.

      • For instance, if you are on a team with 10 players and the captain pays $1,800 for the team, thus charging each player $180. If you currently have a Gold (20%) membership discount code, it would not be applied to this team. In other words, NYC Footy would not provide a $36 discount code for the captain or refund the captain an amount equivalent to $36.

Frequent Flyer Program

If you are currently a student, you may qualify for a 20% off student discount. This applies to free agent registrations or team registrations if and only if the majority of your team is made up of students.

Again, just email us for the code (if you share it or abuse it, you lose it).

Note, this cannot be combined with your Frequent Footy code.

Student Discount

Veteran & Military Discount

In honor of your service, please accept a 20% off discount. This discount is available to current and Veteran members of the US Military, National Guard and Reserve

Email us for the code (if you share it or abuse it, you lose it).

Note, this cannot be combined with your Frequent Footy code.

I’ve Seen Better Days Discount

We know living in NYC isn’t easy. We know what it’s like to struggle for cash and forgo the things we love n order to get by.

We don’t want lack of money to keep you from the beautiful game. If you’re struggling, all we ask is that you have the courage to email us and let us know what you’re going through.

We promise to keep it confidential and help get you out on the pitch.