NYC Footy Manhattan Soccer Leagues:

Play Soccer in Midtown East

Robert Moses Playground

Seasons: Fall, Winter

A brand new turf field right under the UN (a reminder to practice diplomacy while playing).

Roosevelt Island Octagon Field

Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall

An incredible, and oft overlooked field, one of the few located on Roosevelt Island.

Check out our blog post here, for details about how to get there, and where to grab a drink after the game.

Peter’s Field

Seasons: All

An amazing little slice of soccer wedged right in downtown Manhattan on 1st ave.

Check out our blog post here, for details about how to get there, and where to grab a drink after the game.

St. Vartan Field

Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall

Murray Hill’s best-kept soccer secret, just far enough away from the hustle and bustle of midtown and just near enough to the good vibes of downtown.